FEB 14 - 16, 2003

We held our 10th Anniversary Sweethearts' Hot Air Balloon Rally and Cystinosis Fundraiser at Westwood on Lake Washington February 14-16, 2003. Saturday morning, the balloons did not fly because the winds were too strong (12-13 miles/hour). Some of the pilots did not make it this year due to a snow and ice storm on Friday night. However, 2 balloons flew on Saturday afternoon. Dan took 2 Disc Jockeys from one of the country radio stations in Mankato (our largest town nearby). Then, Sunday the wind cooperated and we had four balloons fly in the morning. It was very cold, but they had a wonderful flight and managed to change passengers after and hour and take more passengers for another hour. Dan took a newscaster from the local tv station on Sunday and she filmed both on the ground and in the air and so they broadcast some footage on Sun. night news. We also got a nice article and some pictures in the St. Peter newspaper, a town near Westwood.
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