$ $for Research

I'm sure each of you have heard from family and friends,"let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do"...(now is the time to take their offer). People say this with sincerity, and are open for your ideas. Believe me, as an "out of the area" grandma, I welcome task that can make a difference in the lives of my "kids" and benefit the Cystinosis Family.

So, I'm asking you to forward this information to all your friends and family. This is an ideal way for them to show their love and support, and they will have fun doing this project!

     CHECK with everyone you know (MAKE A LIST AND CALL) and ask: "would you have a couple of hours to wrap holiday presents?" Reminder: ALL proceeds (tips) go to research for a cure for Cystinosis.

     Next, cut the list in two...people, in good faith, will say YES but December is a very busy month. Now you have your "team" for determining man-hours.

     Call your local BARNES & NOBLE to ask what days are available on their schedule for holiday gift wrappers. (The manager is most likely the person you will speak with.) Determine which day/days would "work" vs the number of people on your team and "man-hours available".

     Call back everyone and establish their time to "WRAP"! Giving people two choices, always seems to get a positive response. (Example-We have December 7th, 8th and 9th as our time to wrap at the ______ store, would Tuesday or Wednesday be better for you?? Would 10AM to Noon or 7 to 9PM work best for you??) For those with a prior commitment, remind them to shop for all their holiday gifts of book/CD's/etc on your designated days and also: tell ALL their friends and relatives and acquaintances to do the same.

The community will respond if asked...(I have been asking merchants, that I frequent {cleaners, hairdresser, barber, doctors'etc.} to allow a Flyer to be placed on their counters to inform as many as possible, the week prior. No one has refused!

Stop and introduce yourself to the store manager befor the holiday "rush". Check for any restrictions as far as parking, dress code etc. Take information about Cystinosis and leave for latter reading.

BARNES & NOBLE supplies all the paper and tape. They furnish an area and table, and all their customers are encouraged to have their purchase gift-wrapped.

This is an excellent opportunity to raise the awareness level, and educate your community about Cystinosis. (have plenty of brochures "on hand")


Call everyone from the original list and remind them ...

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Louise L Limacher
(949) 240-2504 (W)
(949) 481-4663 (H)
(949) 697-4537 (C)
